Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Rumors of the New RickRoll Have Reached the Q

Really? Blind links to this site, disguised as links in loungey places? They're evolving!



D. Hippauf said...

I'd like to know just what PRIVATE INFORMATION the mods have access to and why do they have it?

Beyond a screen name, the mods should not have have access to who I am, where I live, email and phone numbers etc - especially since more than a few mods have been revealed to be trolls and freepers.

The function of a moderator is to keep a discussion on track - not to tombstone people with views that differ from theirs. The recent morphing into "hit squads" by the mods and others has turned the DU into a mini-version of the bush administration where only one flavor of kool-aid is being served.

Q said...

Q -

Nicely put, Stone Waves.