Tuesday, April 1, 2008

A Few Obscure Corners of The Interwebs You May Be Missing, DUscoveryChannel Viewer

DU not miss the last link in the list, DUscoveryChannel viewer.

* CorpGovActivist: With proxy season upon us, where will this shareholder turn up next?

* DemocraticWarrior: All the D. Double the U. And a growing number of DUfectors.

* DUmmieFunnies: Even if you don't agree with all of the political viewpoints, lighten up and laugh (at yourself) a little.

* IdesOfOctober: More mysterious and powerful than a Legion of Doom full of Spider Pigs!

* Pennocchio: Here, you will find the revelations about Mark Penn, the Concealed Clinton Library Donor Lists, and other dirty little secrets that Skinner and other sHrillaries don't want you to know about.

* ProgressiveIndependent: This is a good hangout for those who don't like party labels, but lean progressive.


* GotAPensionPlan???: If you have a pension plan, you should REALLY care about this site.


Q said...

Have you seen the comments from other viewers in some of the posts below, DUscoveryChannel viewer?


D. Hippauf said...

anyone notice that the ape arm is flipping the banana?