Monday, March 31, 2008

The Whimper Heard Round the DUngle

To channel the Breathless Bostonian at DU: You. Have. Got. To. Be. Kidding. Me.

Details regarding this lame, limp-wristed legal action may be found at DemocraticWarrior. If you're fed up with how The DUpremes and the grief, swarm, and lock clique currently in control of DU operate, I strongly suggest looking at DemocraticWarrior, and donating.

From the firm of Howe, Anderson & Steyer (Howe is formerly of Dewey, Cheatem & Howe, we believe; fitting, given how the Admins at DU cheat their users of truthful political discourse about Mark Penn, Hillary, and The Concealed Clinton Libary Donor Lists)...

Stay tuned for new features here as well. As new features are rolled out, they will be linked in the profile.

Thank you for joining me - Q - as we continue to watch the sHrillary Simians on DU.


PJ-Comix said...

Can you provide a link where we can see those legal documents in a larger format? Right now they are hard to read.

Q said...

PJ -

Sure thing. I'll provide a PDF.

Meanwhile, while I don't always agree with your policy stances (but often do), I always laugh at how your mind works when you send up or lampoon that which you find funny.



Anonymous said...

Skinner "Protecting your privacy. Your donation dollars at work:"

What privacy? Most of DU is very public and much of the archives can be searched/read by anyone with more than an elementary understanding of online searches.

I'd tell ya how, but then you might get one of those scary [sarcasm] "lawyer-speak" laden letters.


Q said...

Anonymous 7:10 p.m. -

Skinner claims to be protecting his users; it's his own skin he's protecting, it seems to me.


Anonymous said...

Skinner seems to be in need of a 'reality check'. As DU forums are accessible to everyone with an internet connection, there is no assumed or implied privacy. Anyone who posts there either does, or should, know that anything they post is for public consumption.

Per the DU Privacy Policy:

"Public Forums
This site makes discussion forums available to its users (my words: and, anyone with an internet connection). Please remember that any information that is disclosed in these areas becomes public information and you should exercise caution when deciding to disclose your personal information."

Translation: anything you post is public - he does not have the ability (or desire) to protect you from ANYTHING (no matter how many fancy letters on law firm stationary he might send), any such overtures on his part serve only to pad his frail (Yalie) ego.

And, as there are no background checks done prior to a registration being approved, anyone who registers (and, especially if they $$$$$$) will have access to profiles, archives, the ability to send direct emails, etc.

Skinner, get over yourself!